
Hi! Thanks for reading! I’m glad you’re here! Let me tell you a little bit about myself…

I’m a so-called “stay-at-home” mother to my two awesome, beautiful, precious children. I don’t know who coined the term “stay-at-home mom” but I think it’s stupid. I love to be on the move! I love being a mom!

I was diagnosed with ADD during my college years. My diagnosis has made a huge difference in my life and made sense out of my earlier years. Read: Oh, so that’s what’s wrong with me!

Now…don’t get all offended. I’m not saying there’s anything “wrong” with me, or with anyone else who has ADD/ADHD. But, we ARE different. We all have gifts and challenges. I like to think we ADHDers have super-powers–we may get distracted easily but we can focus on lots of things all at once! I may have lost my keys 5 times today but I just made a grocery list, stopped to re-settle a baby in bed, folded laundry and made coffee while writing this page. Try doing that, normal brain people! 😃

My wonderful husband is caring, loving, brilliant, handsome and a fantastic father. He also has ADHD which is awesome because he totally gets me. Less awesome is the fact that he is just as disorganized as I am…and it compounds our organizational issues. It’s not pretty. But he is my true soul mate, my partner in crime and we make a great team! He has the dirtiest mind on the planet, he keeps me laughing and I’m never bored with him around!

We are committed to living a clean, whole foods lifestyle. We love to camp, fish, hike, play in the ocean, organic garden, dance, travel and explore. Family is our #1 priority and we are committed to raising our children close to the earth. We practice Attachment Parenting principles but aren’t militant about it. We have a tiny house that’s filled with chaos, craziness and love.

A few more things you may want to know about me:

I’m fiercely protective of my family, especially my children. Frighteningly so.

I’m an adrenaline junkie. I get bored easily.

I don’t eat sugar or drink alcohol. But I used to. I feel better this way…but I think I was more fun the other way.

I love the water. Oceans, lakes, streams, whatever…if I’m wet, I’m happy.(My dirty-minded husband will surely have a comment about this and I’ll need to go back and edit it later.)

I secretly want to write children’s books and have a few written in my head. But I procrastinate too much to actually do it.

I want to join the Peace Corps some day.

I can be a total bitch. Really. I’ll admit it. (Some of my family is reading this and thinking “Yup.”)

I swear a lot. Sorry in advance.

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