Raking leaves

Yesterday, my Dad was telling me how much he hates raking leaves. He feels like it’s a never-ending, thankless task. It’s impossible to be satisfied with a job well-done. You spend the whole day raking, pick up huge piles of leaves, grab a beer, sit on the porch…and watch the leaves fall and the wind blow. By the next morning, it looks like you never raked.

Well. Apparently raking leaves is like housework.

Dishes, laundry, paperwork, sweeping, vacuuming, cleaning, meal planning, grocery shopping,picking up toys…an endless cycle of chore after chore. After chore.

Nothing is every truly done. It’s overwhelming, tiring and quite frankly, it can be soul-sucking.

When my house is clean (like right-before-my-in-laws-visit clean) it takes about 5 minutes for my family to make it look like a tornado came through. They make it look “lived-in”…but that’s because we LIVE HERE! So, I guess they’re doing their job (making a mess) and I’m doing mine (cleaning it).

Nothing is ever perfect. And I don’t need it to be! But, one day I’d love to have a clean, organized house with not a single chore on my to-do list.

This. Will. Never. Happen.

It’s as elusive as a forest floor with no leaves.

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